Design Ideas for a More Productive Office

As you plan ahead for the New Year, now is a good opportunity to take stock of how your office has performed in the past 12 months.

  • Are your employees working at optimum level?
  • Are staff happy and productive?
  • Or could the office environment itself be killing productivity?

Far fetched?  Not according to a recent survey by the Office for National Statistics which reports that UK workforces are a whopping 31% less productive than their American counterparts.

Various factors are cited: from restrictive work times and lack of independence to little choice offered in workspaces. There’s no doubt that an inflexible office infrastructure can lead to an inefficient workforce which in turn impacts on your bottom line.

Ask yourself: do your staff lose motivation in the afternoon? Are there complaints about noisy colleagues or uncomfortable furniture? Perhaps there’s been an increased absence due to stress?

If so, it is time to make key changes in the New Year to get your office working efficiency.

Design Your Office Layout for People

Oktra Office

Intelligent office design is largely driven by one key element: how people work. That’s why you need to be mindful of employees’ different needs when considering a new office layout.

Typically, if a staff breakout area or kitchen facility is near a quiet zone, this will disrupt productivity. Instead, it’s far better to create a multi-functional layout respecting those colleagues who need silence or privacy.

Essential, then, to customise the space to suit specific job roles, functions and needs.

Think Ergonomics

Float 3Ballo

For an efficient 2016 office, it’s wise to consider employee wellbeing. That means taking action regarding the wealth of research on the ill-effects of sitting all day.

From the smart TableAir to the cool yet clever Ballo chair, there are some exciting, innovative designs revolutionising office furniture.

Plus, the move towards sit/stand workstations isn’t a passing fad. It’s becoming an essential element of a modern office. After all, keeping employees engaged while protecting their health and wellbeing is a win-win for everyone.

Let Nature Nurture


Did you know that a single potted plant on a desk can improve your concentration? Or that natural textures or inspiring wall art can create calm? Little surprise, then, that more office fit outs in London now harness the power of nature.