The answer to how much office space does my office need has no definitive answer. Every company and organisation have unique needs and requirements. To ensure that any changes you make to your working environment enhance your workplace experience, it is important to plan and follow it step by step. Rather than guessing the things your people need in their office space, there are some key considerations to be aware of.
What changes do I need to make?
When considering the future needs of your company, it is essential to think about what it does now. You should start by interrogating your own office space to understand what works about your existing ways of working and how you can maximise the use of your space.
To gain a clear understanding of your staff’s requirements, you should circulate an employee sentiment survey to gain an accurate insight into their concerns and needs. Similarly, by undergoing a workplace consultancy process, like space rationalisation, you can identify inefficiencies in the workplace.
What workplace trends should I consider?
Our working culture and views of the office have changed considerably because of the Pandemic. New styles of working such as flexible and agile have emerged, changing our perspectives on the office and how we work. Thus, it may be useful to think about which Workplace Model you may adapt moving forward as this will have a significant impact on your current workplace.
How can I improve health and wellbeing?
The focus on wellbeing in the workplace has become increasingly popular, with greater mental and physical wellbeing standards expected in offices. By prioritising the health of your staff, you not only improve their wellbeing but aid productivity. One way to do this is to incorporate natural daylight or biophilia in the office design. Research has shown that this incorporation enhances wellbeing, reduces stress and increases cognitive function.
How can I be more sustainable?
The emerging climate crisis has shifted the spotlight onto sustainable design and creating environmentally-friendly spaces. Designing for a sustainable office should be one of your primary considerations. A sustainable office is not only beneficial for the environment, but it is cost-effective and when used correctly, sustainable practices can help boost brand image and recruitment.
By analysing your company’s current ways of working and space requirements, you will be able to create a blueprint for the type of space your business requires. Once you understand how your company currently functions, you will be able to decide on the types of changes you should be making to your office space.
You can access all three of our free workplace tools to help build your brief and understand your workplace needs. Use our budget calculator, timescale calculator, space calculator to help you start planning your future office relocation or refurbishment.